PGF/TikZ Manual

TikZ and PGF Manual

The Basic Layer

118 Quick Commands

This section explains the “quick” commands of pgf. These commands are executed more quickly than the normal commands of pgf, but offer less functionality. You should use these commands only if you either have a very large number of commands that need to be processed or if you expect your commands to be executed very often.

118.1 Quick Coordinate Commands
  • \pgfqpoint{x}{y}

  • This command does the same as \pgfpoint, but x and y must be simple dimensions like 1pt or 1cm. Things like 2ex or 2cm+1pt are not allowed.

  • \pgfqpointxy{sx}{sy}

  • This command does the same as \pgfpointxy, but sx and sy must be simple numbers without unit, like 1.234 or 5.0. Mathematical expressions or units are not allowed.

  • \pgfqpointxyz{sx}{sy}{sz}

  • As \pgfqpointxy, but for three-dimensional coordinates. Any argument needs to be a number without unit.

  • \pgfqpointscale{factor}{coordinate}

  • As \pgfpointscale, but {factor} must be a simple number without unit, as for the other “quick” commands.

118.2 Quick Path Construction Commands

The difference between the quick and the normal path commands is that the quick path commands

  • do not keep track of the bounding boxes,

  • do not allow you to arc corners,

  • do not apply coordinate transformations.

However, they do use the soft-path subsystem (see Section 121 for details), which allows you to mix quick and normal path commands arbitrarily.

All quick path construction commands start with \pgfpathq.

  • \pgfpathqlineto{x dimension}{y dimension}

  • The quick version of the line-to operation.

118.3 Quick Path Usage Commands

The quick path usage commands perform similar tasks as \pgfusepath, but they

  • do not add arrows,

  • do not modify the path in any way, in particular,

  • ends are not shortened,

  • corners are not replaced by arcs.

Note that you have to use the quick versions in the code of arrow tip definitions since, inside these definition, you obviously do not want arrows to be drawn.

  • \pgfusepathqfill

  • Fills the path without further ado.

  • \pgfusepathqfillstroke

  • Fills and then strokes the path without further ado.

  • \pgfusepathqclip

  • Clips all subsequent drawings against the current path. The path is not processed.

118.4 Quick Text Box Commands
  • \pgfqbox{box number}

  • This command inserts a box into a {pgfpicture} by “escaping” to , inserting the box number box number at the origin, and then returning to the typesetting the picture.

  • \pgfqboxsynced{box number}

  • This command works similarly to the \pgfqbox command. However, before inserting the text in box number, the current coordinate transformation matrix is applied to the current canvas transformation matrix (is it “synced” with this matrix, hence the name).

    Thus, this command basically has the same effect as if you first called \pgflowlevelsynccm followed by \pgfqbox. However, this command will use \hskip and \raise commands for the “translational part” of the coordinate transformation matrix, instead of adding the translational part to the current canvas transformation matrix directly. Both methods have the same effect (box box number is translated to where it should be), but the method used by \pgfqboxsynced ensures that hyperlinks are placed correctly. Note that scaling and rotation will not (cannot, even) apply to hyperlinks.