PGF/TikZ Manual

TikZ and PGF Manual

Part V Libraries

by Till Tantau

In this part the library packages are documented. They provide additional predefined graphic objects like new arrow heads or new plot marks, but sometimes also extensions of the basic pgf or TikZ system. The libraries are not loaded by default since many users will not need them.

(-tikz- diagram)

(-tikz- diagram)

(-tikz- diagram)

(-tikz- diagram)

\usetikzlibrary {arrows,trees}
ld/.style={level distance=#1},lw/.style={line width=#1},
level 1/.style={ld=4.5mm, trunk, lw=1ex ,sibling angle=60},
level 2/.style={ld=3.5mm, trunk!80!leaf a,lw=.8ex,sibling angle=56},
level 3/.style={ld=2.75mm,trunk!60!leaf a,lw=.6ex,sibling angle=52},
level 4/.style={ld=2mm, trunk!40!leaf a,lw=.4ex,sibling angle=48},
level 5/.style={ld=1mm, trunk!20!leaf a,lw=.3ex,sibling angle=44},
level 6/.style={ld=1.75mm,leaf a, lw=.2ex,sibling angle=40},
{\pgfarrowsleftextend{-2pt} \pgfarrowsrightextend{1pt}}

\colorlet{leaf a}{#3}
\colorlet{leaf b}{#4}
\draw[border,line width=1ex,yshift=.3cm,
(1,0) to [out=90, in=0] (0,1) to [out=180,in=90] (-1,0)
to [out=-90,in=-180] (0,-1) to [out=0, in=-90] (1,0) -- cycle;

\coordinate (root) [grow cyclic,rotate=90]
child {
child [line cap=round] foreach \a in {0,1} {
child foreach \b in {0,1} {
child foreach \c in {0,1} {
child foreach \d in {0,1} {
child foreach \leafcolor in {leaf a,leaf b}
{ edge from parent [color=\leafcolor,-#5] }
} } }
} edge from parent [shorten >=-1pt,serif cm-,line cap=butt]

\node [align=center,below] at (0pt,-.5ex)
{ \textcolor{border}{T}heoretical \\ \textcolor{border}{C}omputer \\
\textcolor{border}{S}cience };