PGF/TikZ Manual

TikZ and PGF Manual


62 Pattern Library

  • TikZ Library patterns

  • \usepgflibrary{patterns} % and plain and pure pgf
    \usepgflibrary[patterns] % Cont and pure pgf
    \usetikzlibrary{patterns} % and plain when using TikZ
    \usetikzlibrary[patterns] % Cont when using TikZ

    The package defines patterns for filling areas.

62.1 Form-Only Patterns
Pattern name Example (pattern in black, blue, and red on faded checkerboard)
horizontal lines (-tikz- diagram)
vertical lines (-tikz- diagram)
north east lines (-tikz- diagram)
north west lines (-tikz- diagram)
grid (-tikz- diagram)
crosshatch (-tikz- diagram)
dots (-tikz- diagram)
crosshatch dots (-tikz- diagram)
fivepointed stars (-tikz- diagram)
sixpointed stars (-tikz- diagram)
bricks (-tikz- diagram)
checkerboard (-tikz- diagram)
62.2 Inherently Colored Patterns
Pattern name Example
checkerboard light gray (-tikz- diagram)
horizontal lines light gray (-tikz- diagram)
horizontal lines gray (-tikz- diagram)
horizontal lines dark gray (-tikz- diagram)
horizontal lines light blue (-tikz- diagram)
horizontal lines dark blue (-tikz- diagram)
crosshatch dots gray (-tikz- diagram)
crosshatch dots light steel blue (-tikz- diagram)
62.3 User-Defined Patterns

by Mark Wibrow

  • TikZ Library patterns.meta

  • \usepgflibrary{patterns.meta} % and plain and pure pgf
    \usepgflibrary[patterns.meta] % Cont and pure pgf
    \usetikzlibrary{patterns.meta} % and plain when using TikZ
    \usetikzlibrary[patterns.meta] % Cont when using TikZ

    Define your own patterns with a syntax similar to arrows.meta.

Caveat: This library is currently experimental and might change without notice. There are some known shortcomings that will hopefully be fixed in the future.

  • \pgfdeclarepattern{config}

  • This command is used to declare a new pattern. In contrast to the normal patterns and in the spirit of arrows.meta this command takes a list of keys and values to define the pattern. The following keys are available:

    • /pgf/patterns/name=name(no default)

    • The name of the pattern by which it can be used later on.

    • /pgf/patterns/type=type (default uncolored)

    • The type of the pattern maps to what was called “form only” and “inherently colored” in the language of the normal patterns. The available choices are:

      • uncolored the pattern will obey the surrounding color.

      • colored the pattern will have an intrinsic color.

      • form only synonym for uncolored

      • inherently colored synonym for colored

    • /pgf/patterns/x=dimension (default 1cm)

    • Unit vector of the coordinate system in the \(x\)-direction.

    • /pgf/patterns/y=dimension (default 1cm)

    • Unit vector of the coordinate system in the \(y\)-direction.

    • /pgf/patterns/parameters=comma separated list (default empty)

    • A list of parameters that are passed to the pattern. This is usually a list of macros. It is very important that these macros are fully expandable because the values they hold are being used for deduplication in the PDF file.

    • /pgf/patterns/defaults=comma separated list (default empty)

    • This list holds default assignments to the parameters passed to the pattern. The default keys can then be found under the /pgf/pattern keys/ prefix.

    • /pgf/patterns/bottom left=pgfpoint(no default)

    • Bottom left corner of the pattern’s bounding box, e.g. \pgfqpoint{-.1pt}{-.1pt}.

    • /pgf/patterns/top right=pgfpoint(no default)

    • Top right corner of the pattern’s bounding box, e.g. \pgfqpoint{3.1pt}{3.1pt}.

    • /pgf/patterns/tile size=pgfpoint(no default)

    • Width and height of a single of the pattern as a pgf point specification, i.e. the \(x\) coordinate is the width and the \(y\) coordinate is the height, e.g. \pgfqpoint{3pt}{3pt}.

    • /pgf/patterns/tile transformation=pgftransformation (default empty)

    • A pgf transformation, e.g. \pgftransformrotate{30}.

    • /pgf/patterns/code=code(no default)

    • The code should be pgf code that can be protocolled. It should not contain any color code or nodes.

    • /pgf/patterns/set up code=code (default empty)

    • This code can be set if parameters have to be preprocessed before the actual pattern code can be run.

(-tikz- diagram)

\usetikzlibrary {patterns.meta}
bottom left={\pgfpoint{-.1pt}{-.1pt}},
top right={\pgfpoint{\hatchsize+.1pt}{\hatchsize+.1pt}},
tile size={\pgfpoint{\hatchsize}{\hatchsize}},
tile transformation={\pgftransformrotate{\hatchangle}},

hatch size/.store in=\hatchsize,
hatch angle/.store in=\hatchangle,
hatch line width/.store in=\hatchlinewidth,
hatch size=5pt,
hatch angle=0pt,
hatch line width=.5pt,

\foreach \r in {1,...,4}
\draw [pattern=hatch, pattern color=red]
(\r*3,0) rectangle ++(2,2);

\foreach \r in {1,...,4}
\draw [pattern=hatch, pattern color=green, hatch size=2pt]
(\r*3,3) rectangle ++(2,2);

\foreach \r in {1,...,4}
\draw [pattern=hatch, pattern color=blue, hatch size=10pt, hatch angle=21]
(\r*3,6) rectangle ++(2,2);

\foreach \r in {1,...,4}
\draw [pattern=hatch, pattern color=orange, hatch line width=2pt]
(\r*3,9) rectangle ++(2,2);

There are a couple of predefined pgf patterns which are similar to their normal counterparts. For all of these the xshift and yshift are applied before the rotation. If you want to rotate before shifting, just rotate in the drawing code.

  • Pattern Lines

  • The Lines pattern replaces four patterns: horizontal lines, vertical lines, north east lines, and north west lines. Unfortunately, due to the way the old patterns are constructed, namely that they are not simply related to each other by rotation, the Lines pattern cannot be used as a drop-in replacement.

    However, the pattern options can be tuned to resemble the other versions closely. The available parameters are:

    • /pgf/pattern keys/distance(initially 3pt)

    • Distance between lines.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/angle(initially 0)

    • By default the lines are horizontal. The whole pattern is rotated by this angle. The rotation angle is measured in the mathematically positive sense.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/xshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(x\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/yshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(y\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/line width(initially \the\pgflinewidth)

    • Thickness of the lines.

    The following settings can be used to reproduce the other ... lines patterns.

    (-tikz- diagram)

    \usetikzlibrary {patterns,patterns.meta}
    \draw[pattern={horizontal lines},pattern color=orange]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Lines[yshift=.5pt]},pattern color=blue]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);

    \draw[pattern={vertical lines},pattern color=orange]
    (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Lines[angle=90,yshift=-.5pt]},pattern color=blue]
    (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);

    \draw[pattern={north east lines},pattern color=orange]
    (0,1) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Lines[angle=45,distance={3pt/sqrt(2)}]},pattern color=blue]
    (0,1) rectangle +(1,1);

    \draw[pattern={north west lines},pattern color=orange]
    (1,1) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Lines[angle=-45,distance={3pt/sqrt(2)}]},pattern color=blue]
    (1,1) rectangle +(1,1);
  • Pattern Hatch

  • The Hatch pattern replaces the grid and crosshatch patterns. The Hatch pattern without options is a drop-in replacement for the grid pattern.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/distance(initially 3pt)

    • Distance between crosses.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/angle(initially 0)

    • By default the lines are horizontal and vertical. The whole pattern is rotated by this angle. The rotation angle is measured in the mathematically positive sense.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/xshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(x\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/yshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(y\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/line width(initially \the\pgflinewidth)

    • Thickness of the lines.

    The following settings can be used to reproduce the grid and crosshatch patterns.

    (-tikz- diagram)

    \usetikzlibrary {patterns,patterns.meta}
    \draw[pattern={grid},pattern color=orange]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Hatch},pattern color=blue]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);

    \draw[pattern={crosshatch},pattern color=orange]
    (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    pattern color=blue] (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
  • Pattern Dots

  • The Dots pattern replaces the dots and crosshatch dots patterns. The Dots pattern without options is a drop-in replacement for the dots pattern.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/distance(initially 3pt)

    • Distance between dots.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/angle(initially 0)

    • By default the lines are arranged on a regular grid. The whole pattern is rotated by this angle. The rotation angle is measured in the mathematically positive sense.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/xshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(x\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/yshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(y\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/radius(initially 0.5pt)

    • Radius of the dots.

    The following settings can be used to reproduce the dots and crosshatch dots patterns.

    (-tikz- diagram)

    \usetikzlibrary {patterns,patterns.meta}
    \draw[pattern={dots},pattern color=orange]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Dots},pattern color=blue]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);

    \draw[pattern={crosshatch dots},pattern color=orange]
    (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    pattern color=blue] (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
  • Pattern Stars

  • The Stars pattern replaces the fivepointed stars and sixpointed stars patterns. However, the stars of the Stars pattern are constructed in a fundamentally different fashion, so it can’t be used as a drop-in replacement.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/distance(initially 3mm)

    • Distance between stars.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/angle(initially 0)

    • By default the stars are arranged on a regular grid. The whole pattern is rotated by this angle. The rotation angle is measured in the mathematically positive sense.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/xshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(x\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/yshift(initially 0pt)

    • Shifts the whole pattern in \(y\)-direction (before applying the rotation).

    • /pgf/pattern keys/radius(initially 1mm)

    • Outer radius of the enclosing circle of the stars.

    • /pgf/pattern keys/points(initially 5)

    • Number of pointy ends of the stars.

    (-tikz- diagram)

    \usetikzlibrary {patterns,patterns.meta}
    \draw[pattern={fivepointed stars},pattern color=orange]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Stars},pattern color=blue]
    (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);

    \draw[pattern={sixpointed stars},pattern color=orange]
    (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
    \draw[pattern={Stars[points=6]},pattern color=blue]
    (1,0) rectangle +(1,1);
  • \tikzdeclarepattern{config}

  • A pattern declared with \pgfdeclarepattern can only execute pgf code. This command extends the functionality to also allow TikZ code. All the same keys of \pgfdeclarepattern are valid, but some of them have been overloaded to give a more natural TikZ syntax.

    • /tikz/patterns/bottom left=point(no default)

    • Instead of a pgf name point, this key takes a TikZ point, e.g. (-.1,-.1).

    • /tikz/patterns/top right=point(no default)

    • Instead of a pgf name point, this key takes a TikZ point, e.g. (3.1,3.1).

    • /tikz/patterns/tile size=point(no default)

    • Instead of a pgf name point, this key takes a TikZ point, e.g. (3,3).

    • /tikz/patterns/tile transformation=transformation(no default)

    • Instead of a pgf transformation, this key takes a list of keys and value and extracts the resulting transformation from them, e.g. rotate=30.

    In addition to the overloaded keys, some new keys have been added.

    • /tikz/patterns/bounding box=point and point(no default)

    • This is a shorthand to set the bounding box. It will assign the first point to bottom left and the second point to top right.

    • /tikz/patterns/infer tile bounding box=dimension (default 0pt)

    • Instead of specifying the bounding box by hand, you can ask TikZ to infer the size of the bounding box for you. The dimension parameter is padding that is added around the bounding box.

(-tikz- diagram)

\usetikzlibrary {patterns.meta}
bottom left={(-.1pt,-.1pt)},
top right={(10.1pt,10.1pt)},
tile size={(10pt,10pt)},
\path [draw=green] (5,2.5) -- (5, 7.5);
\foreach \i in {0,60,...,300}
\path [fill=pink, shift={(5,7.5)}, rotate=-\i]
(0,0) .. controls ++(120:4) and ++(60:4) .. (0,0);
\path [fill=red] (5,7.5) circle [radius=1];
\foreach \i in {-45,45}
\path [fill=green, shift={(5,2.5)}, rotate=-\i]
(0,0) .. controls ++(120:4) and ++(60:4) .. (0,0);

\tikz\draw [pattern=flower] circle [radius=1];

(-tikz- diagram)

\usetikzlibrary {patterns.meta}
bounding box={(-5pt,-5pt) and (5pt,5pt)},
tile size={(\tikztilesize,\tikztilesize)},
tile transformation={rotate=\tikzstarrotate},
points/.store in=\tikzstarpoints,points=5,
radius/.store in=\tikzstarradius,radius=3pt,
rotate/.store in=\tikzstarrotate,rotate=0,
tile size/.store in=\tikztilesize,tile size=10pt,
\fill (90:\tikzstarradius) \foreach \i in {1,...,\tikzstarpoints}{
-- (90+2*\i*\a-\a:\tikzstarradius/2) -- (90+2*\i*\a:\tikzstarradius)
} -- cycle;

\draw[pattern=mystars,pattern color=blue] (0,0) rectangle +(2,2);
\draw[pattern={mystars[points=7,tile size=15pt]}] (2,0) rectangle +(2,2);
\draw[pattern={mystars[rotate=45]},pattern color=red] (0,2) rectangle +(2,2);
\draw[pattern={mystars[rotate=30,points=4,radius=5pt]}] (2,2) rectangle +(2,2);

Instead of macros you can also use pgf keys as parameters, if that is what you prefer.

(-tikz- diagram)

\usetikzlibrary {patterns.meta}
\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/size},
\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/angle},
\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/line width},
bounding box={
(0,-0.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/line width}) and
(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/size},
0.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/line width})
tile size={(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/size},
\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/size})
tile transformation={rotate=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/angle}},
line width/.initial=.4pt,
\draw [line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/line width}]
(0,0) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/pattern keys/size},0);

\draw[pattern={mylines[size=10pt,line width=.8pt,angle=10]},
pattern color=red] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);
\draw[pattern={mylines[size= 5pt,line width=.8pt,angle=40]},
pattern color=blue] (2,0) rectangle ++(2,2);
\draw[pattern={mylines[size=10pt,line width=.4pt,angle=90]},
pattern color=green] (0,2) rectangle ++(2,2);
\draw[pattern={mylines[size= 2pt,line width= 1pt,angle=70]},
pattern color=orange] (2,2) rectangle ++(2,2);